Booking Terms and Disclaimer

Booking terms & disclaimer

These terms and conditions apply to all bookings arranged with Skyline Treks (the Host) via Walking in Circles (the agent).

Except where otherwise specified, we, Walking in Circles, registered office address of Walking in Circles, 85 Great Portland Street, London, W1W 7LT, United Kingdom (“we” “us” and “our”), act only as an agent in respect of all quotations we provide and/or make on your behalf. For all bookings, your contract will be with the supplier (Skyline Treks & Expedition, Nepal) of the arrangements in question.

We act as an agent on behalf of Skyline Treks and Expedition, who organise and supply adventure holidays in Nepal, where they’re based. References to “Supplier/Principals” in these Booking terms, means these third party suppliers organising and providing your adventure holiday.

References to “Travel Arrangements” in these Booking Conditions means the adventure holidays organised and provided by the Supplier/Principals, which will generally consist of accommodation, in-country transport, activities and excursions and other travel arrangements as specified on your booking confirmation.

References to “you” and “your” means all persons named on the booking. By making a booking, the first named person on the booking agrees on behalf of all persons detailed on the booking that they: - have read these Booking Conditions and have the authority to and does agree to be bound by them; - consent to our use of personal data in accordance with our privacy policy and are authorised on behalf of all persons named on the booking to disclose their personal details to us, including where applicable, special categories of data (such as information on health conditions or disabilities and dietary requirements); - are over 18 years of age and where placing an order for services with age restrictions declares that he/she and all members of the party are of the appropriate age to purchase those services; - accept financial responsibility for payment of the booking on behalf of all persons detailed on the booking.

Please Note: We act only as an agent in respect of all bookings arrange on your behalf. However, where the Supplier/Principal is established outside the European Economic Area (EEA), customers resident within the UK or EEA are entitled to some additional protections under the Package Travel & Linked Travel Arrangements Regulations 2018.

Please visit Skyline Treks and Expedition to see their Booking Terms and Conditions.




When making your booking with Skyline Treks and Expedition, they will arrange for you to enter into a contract with them, as the Supplier/Principal of the Travel Arrangements (we commonly refer to them as ‘hosts’). Your booking is subject to these Booking Conditions and the specific terms and conditions of the relevant Supplier/Principal(s) you contract with and you we advise you to read both carefully prior to booking. The Supplier/Principal’s terms and conditions may limit and/or exclude the Supplier/Principal's liability to you. Please ask them for copies of these if you do not have them.

Your booking is confirmed and a contract between you and the Supplier/Principal will exist when they send you confirmation. Except where explicitly stated otherwise in these Booking Conditions, as an agent we accept no responsibility for the acts or omissions of the Supplier/Principal or for the Travel Arrangements provided by the Supplier/Principal.


If you make a booking via our website, you will be redirected to Skyline Treks and Expedition website to make the booking. You will have the opportunity to review all the details of the booking before making payment. Once you have reviewed these details and made payment, they will proceed to confirm the booking. In some instances, we will need to check availability with the Supplier/Principal before confirming the booking.

Please check that all names, dates and timings are correct on receipt of all documents and advise us of any errors immediately. Please ensure that the names given are the same as in the relevant passport. As we act only as a booking agent, we have no responsibility for any errors in any documentation except where an error is made by us.


The booking information that you provide to us will be passed on only to the relevant Supplier/Principal or other persons necessary for the provision of your Travel Arrangements. The information may be provided to public authorities such as customs or immigration if required by them, or as required by law. This applies to any special category (sensitive) information that you give to us such as details of any disabilities, or dietary and religious requirements. In making this booking, you consent to this information being passed on to the relevant persons. Certain information may also be passed on to security or credit checking companies. If you are travelling to the United States, the US Customs and Border Protection will receive this information for the purposes of preventing and combating terrorism and other transnational serious crimes. If you travel outside the European Economic Area, controls on data protection may not be as strong as the legal requirements in the UK. If we cannot pass this information to the relevant suppliers, whether in the EEA or not, we will be unable to provide your booking.


In order to book your chosen Travel Arrangements, you must pay a non-refundable deposit at the time of booking to Skyline Treks and Expedition (or full payment if booking within a specified number of days before departure).

If you have paid a deposit, you must pay the full balance by the balance due date notified to you by Skyline Treks and Expedition. If full payment is not received by the balance due date, the Supplier/Principal(s) may decide to cancel your booking and charge the applicable cancellation fees (as set out in the Supplier/Principal’s terms and conditions).


We endeavour to ensure that all the information and prices both on our website and in any advertising material that we publish are accurate, however, occasionally changes and errors occur and we reserve the right to correct prices and other details in such circumstances. You must check the current price and all other details relating to the Travel Arrangements that you wish to book before you make your booking.


We reserve the right to amend advertised prices at any time. We also reserve the right to correct errors in both advertised and confirmed prices. Special note: changes and errors sometimes occur. You must check the price of your chosen Travel Arrangements at the time of booking.


For international travel: you are required to take out appropriate travel insurance as a condition of booking with the Supplier/Principal and will not be allowed to join a trip without it. Your insurance must include adequate protection for overseas medical treatment, evacuation/repatriation and the specific activities in your itinerary. We also highly recommend taking out a policy which also includes personal liability, cancellation and cover in the event you are unable to join your trip due to illness or injury, curtailment and loss of luggage or personal effects.

For domestic travel: if travelling within your home country or region, please confirm before departure that you are entitled to access the public medical system easily should an accident occur. We would still strongly recommend you take out travel insurance which covers you for cancellation cover, in the event that you are unable to join your trip due to illness or injury.

For all trips:  If for any reason you travel without adequate insurance cover, or are unable to travel, neither we nor the Supplier/Principal will be liable for any losses arising, in respect of which insurance cover would otherwise have been available.


Any special requests must be advised to Skyline Treks and Expedition on your booking, however we cannot guarantee that they will be fulfilled. The fact that a special request has been noted on your booking or any other documentation or that it has been passed on to the Supplier/Principal is not confirmation that the request will be met.


We are not a specialist disabled holiday company but we will do our utmost to cater for any special requirements you may have. If you or any member of your party has any medical problem or disability which may affect your trip, please provide us with full details before we confirm your booking so that we can try to advise you as to the suitability of your chosen Travel Arrangements. We may require you to produce a doctor’s certificate certifying that you are fit to participate in your chosen tour.

Acting reasonably, if the Supplier/Principal is unable to properly accommodate the needs of the person(s) concerned, we will not confirm your booking on the Supplier/Principal’s behalf or, if you did not give us full details at the time of booking, we will inform the Supplier/Principal who may cancel it and impose applicable cancellation charges, when we become aware of these details.


Any cancellations must be made via Skyline Treks and Expedition. Please ensure that you have received confirmation of any changes to your booking prior to travel. Whilst we will try to assist, we cannot guarantee that the Supplier/Principal will meet such requests. Amendments and cancellations can only be accepted in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Supplier/Principal of your Arrangements. The Supplier/Principal will charge the cancellation or amendment charges shown in their booking conditions (which may be as much as 100% of the cost of the Travel Arrangements and will increase closer to the date of departure).



We and/or Skyline Treks will inform you as soon as reasonably possible if the Supplier/Principal needs to make a significant change to your confirmed Travel Arrangements or to cancel them. We will also liaise between you and the Supplier/Principal in relation to any alternative travel arrangements offered by the Supplier/Principal but we will have no further liability to you.

If a trip is cancelled by your supplier/principle for any reason you are entitled to either a full refund, to move your booking to an alternative date or to convert your payment into credit. Your decision to convert your booking to account credit is final once submitted and refunds cannot be requested at a later date.

If you move your booking to a new date, your original booking terms will apply. This decision is final and refunds cannot be requested at a later date.


As the contract for your Travel Arrangements is between you and Skyline Treks and Expedition, the Supplier/Principal, any queries or concerns about your Travel Arrangements should be addressed to them in the first instance. If you have a problem with your Travel Arrangements whilst using them, this must be reported to the Supplier/Principal immediately. If you fail to follow this procedure there will be less opportunity for the Supplier/Principal to investigate and rectify your complaint. The amount of compensation you may be entitled to may therefore be reduced or extinguished as a result.

If you wish to complain when you return home, please put your complaint in writing and send it to within 28 days of your return to the UK.

We will endeavour to assist in our capacity as an agent by liaising with the Supplier/Principal on your behalf.


Alternative dispute resolution is a process where an independent body considers the facts of a dispute and seeks to resolve it, without you having to go to court. If you are not happy with how we have handled any complaint, you may want to use alternative dispute resolution. If so, for customers resident in the EEA, disputes may be submitted for online resolution to the European Commission Online Dispute Resolution platform.


Your contract is with Skyline Treks and Expedition, the Supplier/Principal and its booking conditions apply. As Agent, we accept no responsibility for the actual provision of the Travel Arrangements. Our responsibilities are limited to providing you with a quotation, and referring you, the client, to Skyline Treks, the Host, for making the booking in accordance with your instructions. We accept no responsibility for any information about the Travel Arrangements that they pass on to you in good faith.


Except where otherwise expressly stated in these Booking Conditions we will not be liable or pay you compensation if our contractual obligations to you are affected by “Events Beyond Our Control”. For the purposes of these Booking Conditions, Events Beyond Our Control means any event beyond our or our supplier’s control, the consequences of which could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken. Examples include warfare and acts of terrorism (and threat thereof), civil strife, significant risks to human health such as the outbreak of serious disease at the travel destination or natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes or weather conditions which make it impossible to travel safely to the travel destination or remain at the travel destination, the act of any government or other national or local authority including port or river authorities, industrial dispute, labour strikes, lock closure, natural or nuclear disaster, fire, chemical or biological disaster, unavoidable technical problems with transport and all similar events outside our or the supplier/principal’s (s) control.


It is your responsibility to check and fulfil the passport, visa, health and immigration requirements applicable to your itinerary. We can only provide general information about this. You must check requirements for your own specific circumstances with the relevant Embassies and/or Consulates and your own doctor as applicable. Requirements do change and you must check the up to date position in good time before departure.

Most countries now require passports to be valid for at least 6 months after your return date. If your passport is in its final year, you should check with the Embassy of the country you are visiting.

We do not accept any responsibility if you cannot travel, or incur any other loss because you have not complied with any passport, visa, immigration requirements or health formalities. You agree to reimburse us in relation to any fines or other losses which we incur as a result of your failure to comply with any passport, visa, immigration requirements or health formalities.


These Booking Conditions are governed by English law and we both agree that the courts of England and Wales have exclusive jurisdiction over any dispute, claim or other matter which may arise between us (unless you live in Scotland or Northern Ireland, in which case you can bring proceedings in your local court under Scottish or Northern Irish law, as applicable).


All ratings are as provided by Skyline Treks and Expedition, the relevant Supplier/Principal. These are intended to give a guide to the services and facilities you should expect from your accommodation. Furthermore, some Supplier/Principals may provide information on the difficulty, fitness and skill requirements for your chosen Travel Arrangements. This information is intended as a guide only and you must satisfy yourself that you are capable of participating in your chosen Travel Arrangements. We cannot guarantee the accuracy of any ratings given.


All descriptions and content on our website or otherwise issued by us is done so on behalf of the Supplier/Principal in question are intended to present a general idea of the services provided by the Supplier/Principal. Not all details of the relevant services can be included on our website. All services shown are subject to availability. If you require any further details, in respect of any Travel Arrangements or any other services please contact us.


You are responsible for making yourself aware of official advice (such as the UK Foreign & Commonwealth Office) in regard to the safety of the countries and areas in which you will be travelling and to make your decisions accordingly. Advice from the Foreign Office to avoid or leave a particular country may constitute Events Beyond Our Control (see clause 14).


You are expected to conduct yourself in an orderly and acceptable manner and not to disrupt the enjoyment of others. If in the Supplier/Principal’s opinion or in the opinion of any other person in authority, your behaviour or that of any member of your party is causing or is likely to cause distress, danger or annoyance to any other customers or any third party, or damage to property, or to cause a delay or diversion to transportation, the Supplier/Principal reserves the right to terminate your booking immediately with no further liability to you. You and/or your party may also be required to pay for loss and/or damage caused by your actions and you and each member of your party will be jointly and individually liable for any damage or losses caused. Full payment for any such damage or losses must be paid directly to the Supplier/Principal prior to departure. If you fail to make payment, you will be responsible for meeting any claims (including legal costs) subsequently made against us because of your actions together with all costs we incur in pursuing any claim against you.

We cannot be held responsible for the actions or behaviour of other guests or individuals who have no connection with your booking arrangements or with us.


It is often the case that photographs or video is shared with us post-trip, or we send a professional photographer along. By agreeing to our booking terms, you also grant us permission to use your likeness in our marketing and promotional activities.


If you have booked Travel Arrangements with a Supplier/Principal established outside the EEA and whilst you are on holiday, you find yourself in difficulty for any reason Skyline Treks will offer you such prompt assistance as is appropriate in the circumstances. In particular, they will provide you with appropriate information on health services, local authorities and consular assistance, and with distance communications and finding alternative Travel Arrangements. Where you require assistance that is not owing to any failure by us, we will not be liable for the costs of any alternative Travel Arrangements or other such assistance you require. Any Supplier/Principal, airline or other transport supplier may however pay for or provide refreshments and/or appropriate accommodation and you should make a claim directly to them. Subject to the other terms of these Booking Conditions, we will not be liable for any costs, fees or charges you incur in the above circumstances, if you fail to obtain our prior authorisation before making your own Travel Arrangements. Furthermore, we reserve the right to charge you a fee for our assistance in the event that the difficulty is caused intentionally by you or a member of your party, or otherwise through your or your party’s negligence.

In the unlikely event that you require assistance whilst abroad, please call in the first instance Madhav Prasad Pandey (Skyline Treks CEO) +977 985-1065082, or Marc Jerrard of Walking in Circles (UK) on 07920 521600

Updated: 06th June 2024